
Punctuality & Regularity
  1. Student must reach the school at least 5mins before 8.30. Student reaching school after the prayer has started will be asked to go back home.
  2. He/She must submit his assignments and projects to the teachers regularly and on time. Irregular, late and non-submission of assignments will attract deduction of Internal assessment marks.
  3. He/She must not absent himself from the test.
  4. He/She may apply for leave only when it is essential. The leave letter must be submitted to the class teacher well in advance. He/She must submit the leave letter to the Principal if he seeks leave of absence for more than three days. A medical certificate/prescription should be attached to the leave application if the child is absent for 2 or more days.
  5. A minimum attendance of 85% is required for promotion to the next class. Students with 100% attendance will be acknowledged, recognised, and awarded.
Leave & Absence
  1. All leaves must be obtained in advance.
  2. Application for leave should be sent to the Principal stating the reason, the period for writing & giving clearly the students name, class & Roll No.
  3. Leave

a) In case a child is absent for 3 days without any intimation, a reminder will be sent. If no immediate reply is sent, the child’s name will be struck off the school roll. The parents/guardians will have to apply for readmission.

b) No student is permitted to leave school during the school hours unless it is sanctioned 24 hours in advance. However, you may contact the office only in the case of an emergency.

c) A Certificate of medical fitness must be submitted when students rejoin school after suffering from any infectious or contagious disease.

d) No student is allowed to leave school after a Unit Test except in the case of an emergency. Student availing sick leave on a Unit Test Day should send a leave application on the same day.

  1. Children suffering from the following diseases must necessarily observe the prescribed quarantine before returning to class: a. Chickenpox: 21 days after the appearance of the first crop of vesicles b. Measles and Mumps: 10 days c. Whooping cough: 3 weeks
  2. Withdrawal of children from classes for mere social functions is not allowed.
  3. Leave request for more than two days is to be applied only by the parent. Half day leave is sanctioned only for medical reasons, and it has to be submitted before 9.00 am.
Examinations & Promotions
  1. The students who absent themselves from the examinations will in no case be reexamined.
  2. Absence from one or more subjects results in the loss of marks for these subjects and excludes the pupil from being reckoned in the order of merit or rank in the examinations.
  3. There will be class/unit tests which will be spread out over the year.
  4. No examination will be conducted either before or after the scheduled time.
  5. Any pupil who is found using dishonest means during examination will either be detained or dismissed from the school. He/ She will be awarded zero for all the subjects of the current examination even if the answer papers are checked.

In our institution we have always encouraged students to express themselves in various manner and provided them platforms on which they can showcase their skills and talents. Competitions are held under 3 categories.

  1. “Adhayan Viraj” which celebrates excellence in Academics and all academic related events.
  2. “Sangharsh Pratap” offers an opportunity to test the student’s physical & mental strength, stamina, speed & endurance and nurtures the spirit of sportsmanship.
  3. “Kala Anupam” provides students a platform to showcase their talents, skills and training in fields of fine and performing arts. The tentative dates of the events have been provided in the Annual planner. As every event approaches, a reminder circular will be sent with details for registration of the same. We encourage them to strive for excellence, push boundaries and continuously improve through opportunities provided to them.
  1. All the students of the school are members of the library.
  2. Students are encouraged to make maximum use of the library.
  3. Strict silence and discipline must be observed in the library.
  4. Students are allowed to borrow one book at a time and not keep the same for more than seven days without the permission of the librarian. An amount of Rs.5/- will be levied per day for delay in returning the book.
  5. It is forbidden to sub-lend books or to circulate them among outsiders.
  6. A student who damages or loses a book will be fined.
  7. Marking, underlining, cutting, and erasing or damaging pages of the books are strictly prohibited and liable to be punished if any such damage is detected by the librarian.
  8. Textbooks, reference books, journals and periodicals are to be read in the Library only. They are not meant for home issue.
  9. Librarian may recall a book at anytime in case of any urgency.
  10. Library books are to be deposited at least one week before leaving the station on break or vacation.
  11. A “No Due Certificate” for each student is to be obtained from the Librarian while withdrawing any student from the school.
Code of Conduct - Students
  1. English is the medium of communication inside the campus and it has to be strictly adhered to.
  2. Every student should bring the school diary and prescribed books daily. Other books or magazines shall not be brought to the class without permission.
  3. Pupils should attend the school regularly. They must reach the school at least five minutes before the school assembly.
  4. Students should at all times show respect and reverence to the school authorities and the teaching/non-teaching staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions.
  5. A pupil whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with good discipline is liable to be expelled from school.
  6. Refined manners, habits of obedience, order & neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all times.
  7. Care must be taken for all school property & no student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write, or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teachers & to the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Students are not allowed to bring razor blades or any sharp instruments to school.
  8. Students must look after their own property. The school does not hold any responsibility for the loss of money, book, clothes etc. If you find anything belonging to school or any other student, deposit it in the office.
  9. All ‘Lost & Found’ items will be maintained in the school office till the end of the academic year. If not claimed till then, the items will be disposed of appropriately.
  10. The Principal’s permission is required to: - a) Leave the school premises during the school hrs. b) Make a collection for any purpose whatsoever. c) Give any gift(s) to teachers. d) Impose fines.
  11. Preference to be given to younger children while using school transport.
  12. Don’t loiter outside the classroom while the school is in session
  13. While moving from one class to another take care not to disturb other classes in session. Always move in single line in silence.
  14. Letters to the students should not be addressed to the school. If done so, the principal will open all such correspondence.
  15. When spoken to the staff or elders, the pupils shall stand to attention and not lounge with their hands in their pockets.
  16. Any student guilty of driving a motorized vehicle will be suspended/rusticated/fined, at the discretion of the Principal.
  17. Do not indulge on social networking sites and pass derogatory messages. Strict action will be taken against students doing so.
  18. Be an active participant in all school activities & competitions as they are conducted to nurture, groom, and train you in various skills with an intention of giving you a platform for expression and accomplishment.
  19. Always maintain the code of conduct and uphold the dignity of the school.
  20. In case of suspension of any classes due to incidents like strike/bandh, local or state declared unscheduled holidays, natural calamities like excessive rain, etc, subject classes will be conducted online as per the timetable. Attendance will be mandatory. Guidelines for these classes will be provided in due course. 17
  21. Upto 2-4 extra online classes per subject may be conducted based on the discretion of the respective teacher. This may be because of classes skipped due to some unexpected event in the school or for extra revision prior to exams.
Code of Conduct - Parents
  1. Co-operation between parents & school authorities is of paramount importance for a child’s successful academic career.
  2. Parents should insist on their children’s regular attendance and punctuality.
  3. Parents should look into their children’s school diary daily and see that the assignments mentioned are done by the children themselves.
  4. Remarks made in the diary should be seen and countersigned regularly.
  5. Reports on academic progress and unit/term tests conducted will be given in the progress report which will be available online.
  6. Should you feel that your ward does not make the desired progress, the principal/chief co-ordinator should be contacted.
  7. Criticism of a teacher or the school in general in the presence of the children should be avoided.
  8. Any communication should be addressed to the principal and not to the class teachers.
  9. Send a written request with specified agenda in case of meeting with Coordinator and Principal. You will be scheduled for the meeting within 48hrs. Unscheduled meetings will not be entertained.
  10. Direct communication with teachers is prohibited except during PTM’s. Do not gift any items to teachers directly. If you wish to give him/her anything, it has to be submitted in the office declaring the kind.
  11. Parents will be allowed only in designated areas in the premises. For any other purpose, proper permission of the school authorities must be secured.
  12. All students are expected to come to the school daily in freshly laundered uniform with clean socks and well-polished shoes.
  13. Kindly ensure that the child carries all required stationary items with them every day, as no such items will be provided at the reception office. Also ensure that child does not carry any sharp or cutting objects like blades, pins, knives, etc. Such items if recovered will be confiscated with no return policy.
  14. The school reserves the right to warn/dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory, whose conduct in the school as well as outside the school is harmful to other students & whose parents/guardians show little interest in their wards as well as in the school affairs. Immorality, insubordination, discourtesy, disrespect to teachers, contempt of authority or wilful damage to property results in the immediate dismissal of the student from the school.
  15. A parent who is indecent & discourteous towards the school authorities will be asked to withdraw his/ her child from the school.
  16. A parent / guardian who has a genuine complaint regarding any matters related to school may register the complaint with the Principal in writing. Hence parents are requested to desist from making anonymous phone calls or letters which will in no way be considered.
  17. A parent / guardian who feels aggrieved over the decision of the school authorities may register his/ her grievance in writing to the Trust managing Board of the School whose decision will be final and binding in all cases.
  18. Enrolment in Sri Sri Academy, Bengaluru South implies, on the part of the pupil & his/ her parent, the willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
Code of Conduct for Buses
  1. Student must maintain discipline at all times while travelling to school and back.
  2. Student should always be punctual at the pick-up points. The GPS tracker empowers parent to always know the bus & their child’s location.
  3. Students should board the bus soon after dispersal time.
  4. A change of pick-up or drop point will only be allowed after permission is given by the school authorities.
  5. It is for the safety of the children that they must remain seated in the bus and not put their head or hands outside the window.
  6. Senior students are expected to care for the younger ones while the younger should respect their seniors. Preference will always be given to younger students.
  7. Students are expected to take care of the Bus properties such as seat covers, window parts, mats, etc. Damage to the above properties is liable to be fined.
School Traditions

The school insists on the following traditions:-

  1. Will proudly, fluently and unhesitant recite/ sing school prayer, all class prayers & the national anthem/songs on designated occasions.
  2. Will practice my prescribed ‘Sadhana’ with sincerity and reverence.
  3. Uniform is the mirror of school’s glory so keeping it neat, tidy and properly worn is the humble duty of every student.
  4. Always to be friendly with one another in and out of school.
  5. Avoid vulgarity in our talk and behaviour.
  6. Accept whatever work is assigned to us as our rightful share.
  7. Offer help to any unattended visitors we happen to meet on the school premises.
  8. Show respect when any visitor or teacher enters or passes through any room in which we happen to be.
  9. To be courteous and be sportsman-like with opposing teams and with officials.
  10. It is expected from every student that he/she is standing as teacher enters the classroom.
  11. Seeking permission from teachers while entering other classes, is mandatory.
  12. The style of talking to senior students, colleagues and junior students is a part of what you have learnt in school, so it must be proper and admirable by all.
  13. Create a friendly & conducive environment on the school premises and being friends with each other is a basic moral value and every student must inculcate it.
  14. Respect the beauty of the school premises and report any damage which we may observe.
  15. Avoid dropping papers/wrappers/plastic in the school premises and to pick up any such item dropped by others.
  16. Don’t waste water in restrooms, switch off all electrical equipment when not is use & maintain the cupboards and locker rooms.
  17. Have a pleasant disposition and be enthusiastic of participation in all events/ celebrations/competitions conducted in the school.